Thursday, October 25, 2007

Saint Rudy of 9-11

My God!
As more and more information comes out about Rudy 9-11, we find lie after lie after lie.

One of the (many) latest is that "President Clinton 'did NOTHING about the bombing of the USS Cole by al Queda!"

Why, Damn him! Not striking back at al Queda like that! What kind of a (Democratic) President was he?

We-l-l-l-l it turns out that the Cole bombing occurred 2 months before President Clinton left office and the FBI didn't confirm that it was al queda until 3 months after George "Cowboy" Bush took office.

So-o-o-o, it looks like the one who DIDN'T do anything about the Cole bombing was George (Thumb-Up-up-his-ass) Bush!

It's this type of lies and mis-information that really worry me.

If this SOB get's to be President, what can we expect then?

Dear God, protect us from St. Rudy of the 9-11!

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