Sunday, October 21, 2007

Fixing the Govt.

A response to an excellent article by David Sirota. Read it at:

As usual, excellent post.

To use the articles many net roots connections do you think there are in Watts, Oakland or Newark?

The "economic underclass" you are trying to save is not well represented on the net.

I agree with your premise. It's just that I seem to see things from a slightly different perspective.

I am, by definition and reality, middle class. Perhaps even "middle" middle class. I'm retired, single, and have the time to keep my blood-pressure up in the stratosphere by working to stop the BushCo madness with the only tools I computer and a small amount of money donated to my choice of the worthiest causes.

I'm intelligent, educated and frustrated out of my skull by my impotence against the evil things Bush and Cheney (et al) have done and are doing daily.

I have come to the (admittedly "MY") realization that the amount of money flowing at the top of the economic spectrum will never allow us to ease the burdens of the lower classes with revolutionary change.

We need total public financing with fixed caps on total dollars available for campaigning. This will limit the ability of corporations and lobbyist to "prepurchase" a president.

We need single fixed terms in office for the President and vice president of (my opinion) between six and eight years. Congress for 3 years Senate for eight.

We need some type of minimal TEST for qualification to hold Gov't office. Perhaps an expanded civil service exam asking, for instance "Is Brazil a big Country?", "Who leads the Gov't in five countries of the world?", "What are the three branches of the US Gov't and how do checks and balances work?", "Have you read the Constitution (That piece of paper!) or the Declaration of Independence?" This would help make certain we never got another "Intellectually Incurious" leader again.

So...there's is a plan for you to take the money out of politics and make our government more able to focus on the "Needs" of it's people.

Perhaps if we had a system I have described we could get our tax system on a fair and equal basis since the corporations and lobbyist (C&L) would have no leverage on the lawmakers.

Perhaps we could have Universal Health Care since the C&L would have no leverage on the lawmakers.

Perhaps we could have energy independence since the C&L would have no leverage on the lawmakers.

Perhaps we could have real safety nets for citizens with real needs since the C&L would have no leverage on the lawmakers.

There will be loopholes as long lawyers exist. But...they will be easier to spot.

Now, I've described a system that is certainly debatable all day long,"s a system that could actually return some of the power to the electorate that we have lost.

OK! So, you tell me how there is a snowballs chance in hell of getting even one percent of a plan like this through our Gov't!

Please tell me how we can change the way we live in America when we are given choices like Hillary and Rudy to pick from.

Please tell me how we can take on a system like BushCo has foisted on us when Impeachment is "Off the table?" ...when we have a gutless congress? ...when we have admitted crooks running this country and smirking at anyone who suggests they be held accountable?...when we are in a war that was never just and KNOW that the madmen that led us there are going to take us into another one with Iran because there is NOTHING to stop them?...when they take money from programs to help the poor because they need to show "fiscal restraint" after giving away the nations treasure to the rich and to powerful crony contractors?

Please tell me because I want to know. This feeling of helplessness is killing me.

Now...YOU tell ME how to make it (or any other fix you come up with) work in today"s reality.

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