Sunday, October 28, 2007

How Dare you Madam Speaker?

Impeachment is STILL off the table!

I don't understand why Pelosi decided to "Take Impeachment 'Off the table'" when she became Speaker of the house.

It's as if you know your child is cheating in school and yet you tell them, "I'm not going to punish you."

Where is the sense in that? What message are you sending?

The only defense I have heard of her position was a lame excuse from Arianna Huffington. She said that "Impeachment was too distracting and would cause Congress to take it's eye off the ball."

Well, I normally agree with Huffington, but not this time.

First: It only took four months to impeach and acquit Bill Clinton for his romp with Monica.

Second: In case no one has noticed, this Congress isn't getting one hell-of-a-lot done withOUT impeachment taking up their time and efforts. The Democrats are still LOOKING for the BALL!

The biggest concerns that I have about this whole thing are:

First: Who's going to restore our Constitutional Rights after BushCo leaves office? I find it truly scary that there is a chance that someone as crazy as Gulianni could inherit the powers that BushCo has grabbed.

Second: We are well on our way towards another war. This time with Iran! If Bush or Cheney (preferably Cheney!) were under articles of impeachment, do you think he would have the gall to start another war?

Bruce Fein, Constitutional Scholar, was on the Bill Moyer's program a couple of weeks ago and made a very convincing case for why we should be looking really hard at impeachment.

Frankly, even if Hillary gets the top job next year, I'll bet you she doesn't give up any of the powers that Bush has grabbed without kicking and screaming all the way!

The whole mess with Bush and his lies has GOT to be addressed if we are ever to start getting back our respect in the world.

For Christ's sake, Clinton got impeached for lieing about sex in the White House!

Bush and his Cronies have lied us into a war and possibly bankruptcy!

...And Impeachment is Still Off The Table Madam Speaker?

Maybe it's YOU that should be impeached first!

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